vendredi 13 janvier 2012

Petites promenades hivernales...

J'ai toujours aimé les promenades dans les bois et cet hiver, avec le peu de neige que nous avons reçu, je peux facilement me déplacer en forêt. Ici, autour de chez-moi, celle-ci est juste assez grande pour me permettre de m'y promener sans m'y perdre car les balises sont faciles à reconnaître; elle est située entre deux chemins ruraux, c'est donc l'idéal! Qui plus est, il y a aussi un ruisseau qui y court, on peut donc le suivre sans s'y tromper.

Une courte ballade me permet toujours de relaxer, de prendre le temps de bien respirer l'air frais et en plus, il y a toujours des photos intéressantes à faire...

Des champignons frigorifiés

Y voyez-vous un oiseau? Can you see a bird?

Une promenade sur le chemin est tout aussi intéressante et vivifiante. Elle me permet de marcher à un pas plus accéléré mais aussi de m'arrêter de temps à autre, le temps d'un autre cliché.

L'aubépine : en regardant attentivement, vous pourrez y voir quelques-unes de ses épines

Pour terminer, voici des mésanges; elles sont très friandes du beurre d'arachides.

Mésange à tête noire Pairus atricapillus

Ainsi qu'une tourterelle triste qui se repose par temps froid...

Bon weekend à tous et à toutes!

30 commentaires:

  1. Fantastic photo's Louise. I also love to go for a walk. The icestructures and the bird are gorgeous.
    have a great weekend

  2. Louise it's a very nice serie , but the last one is my favorite...
    so wonderful this little bird.

    Greetings and a nice weekend, Joop

  3. Hey!
    Very nice pictures you've taken,
    enjoyed all but snow picture is my favorite.


  4. Magnifique photos! J'aime particulièrement celles avec de la glace!

    Bonne promenade et bon week-end!

    1. Merci Danièle! Bon weekend et profites-en bien toi aussi! :)

  5. Merci pour ces belles photos! Ici, il ne m'est actuellement pas possible de photographier des nouveaux motifs glacés ou enneigés car il ne fait pas si froid comme se serait "normal" dans cette saison. ;-)

    Moi aussi, j'aime me promener pour relaxer.

    Bon week-end!

    1. Merci Karin! Vous n'êtes pas la seule que j'entend parler d'un hiver trop doux en Europe et c'est très triste.
      Bon weekend à vous aussi!

  6. Hello Louise, I think you are very lucky to live in the countrysite!
    You can everyday enjoy nature and it is nice you share it with us on your weblog.
    I like the snow and icepictures. And I have found the bird in the icesculpture!
    My favorite is picture9, what a beautifull sunlight over the snow...
    And I als like the little bird, in Holland we have also Chickadee but not exactly the same, nice birds.
    Thanks for sharing al this beautifull pictures.
    Natuurkieker Coby

    1. Hello Coby, thank you for your nice comments. I appreciate the countryside very much, as you may know. I'm glad you were able to find the bird in the icesculpture. My husband doesn't see it at all but my son Charles does... :)

      But, like you, the picture they both prefer is the one wiht the snow and the sunset.
      Greetings, Louise

  7. Wonderful images to see.. many thanks for sharing xx

  8. Hello Louise,

    I see a winterwonderworld in your camera and frozen mushrooms, how nice! We don't have any winter here, it's almost spring! Nice photoseries from a beautiful country!!

    have a nice Sunday!



    1. Hello Henk,

      Nice to hear from you and hope you are well. It took a long time but we now have winter. The temperatures are not stable : for example right now, this morning, it is -26 Celsius but tomorrow it will be -2 Celcius and rain possibly on Wednesday. Go figure!
      But I still like winter, I would not live without it. :)
      Have a nice Sunday too!

  9. Hello Louise,
    Lovely weather - 26C :) Here we don't have snow, its to warm. Yes I can see the bird. Good of you!
    We have similar birds in Holland as the tits and they like the peanutbutter as well!
    Greetings, Gonnie

    1. Thank you Gonnie; finally it wasn't that bad in the afternoon at -13C. I went for a walk wiht my two sons and it was cold but nice!
      Greetings, Louise

  10. Lovely pictures of the "Icesculptures"and the snowlandscape.I also like the mushrooms and the little bird, it seems to be a black tit, we also have here in Holland.
    Thanks for sharing these pictures of your beautiful country.

  11. Thank you Ghita. I think that the black tit is similar but not the same exactly :)


  12. Hello Louise
    That are lovly pictures of the ice on the tree, the birds are also very good.
    Greetings Bets

  13. Thank you Bets and have a nice week!
    Greetings, Louise

  14. Louise, thank you for taking us along on your wonderful walk. Looks like a beautiful place to take a stroll. Exquisite captures of the ice formations on the pine needles. Love the shots of the chickadee and mourning dove. Lovely in every way!

  15. Thank you Julie for your nice words!

    Have a lovely week,

  16. Les eaux solides, fabuleuses! J'aime ces photos de glace, magnifiques, et les motas d'une flânerie plaisante qui les accompagnent :-)

    1. Bonjour Jean-Luc,

      Merci pour les bons commentaires et une excellente journée à vous!

  17. Hi Louise,

    I'm a little late with my response, but since I had last Saturday without a PC.

    What a beautiful series again and ijsstukjes in the branches give a beautiful sight. Also I see that I get a staartmeesje and hardly in the picture.

    Your aerial photos with the sun are also incredibly beautiful. Really enjoying this moment again.

    Greetings, Helma

  18. Hello Helma,

    Thank you for taking the time to leave some nice comments. Hope your PC is working well now!

    Greetings, Louise

  19. Pięknie u Ciebie jest, u mnie cały czas pada deszcz i jest pochmurno.

    1. Thank you Talibra; hope you will get the sun soon!

      Have a nice weekend, Louise
