vendredi 25 mai 2012


Cette année au jardin, j'attendais l'éclosion de mes nouvelles tulipes que j'avais plantées l'automne dernier. Je vous en avais déjà parlé et maintenant, il ne me reste que des photos à partager avec vous, car vous vous en doutez bien, la saison des tulipes tire à sa fin... La plupart sont de la variété "Apple Blossoms" et je les aime beaucoup.

Comme j'aimerais que cette fleur dure plus longtemps... Mais je me dis que c'est peut-être la raison pour laquelle je l'attends avec impatience tous les printemps!

Bon weekend à tous! Je passerai le mien à la pépinière où je travaille.

30 commentaires:

  1. Lovley ,your tulips,i see you have the same kind as me the yellowwhite,We have tulips now too so we cn say that we are abuot in the same time in flower time ,have a nice weekend ,Nette

    1. Thank you Nette. My tulips are all faded now and have been for at least one week.
      Have a nice Wednesday!

  2. Que c'est beau!

    Moi qui ai toujours aimé les tulipes, cette année j'ai été vraiment déçue. Les miennes ont ouvert à mi-tige (ben... enfin la tige était courte, bien trop courte!) et un peu tout croche. L'effet était pas du tout réussi et le temps leur a pas plu. Ça m'a un peu découragée! (Mais c'est correct: cette année les bulbes ne sont pas la priorité, et j'en ai tant sur les épaules que je commence à faire semblant que je suis sage en me disant "eh bien ce sera l'an prochain. Ou l'autre. Ou un autre plus tard! Ou jamais! C'est pas grave!" C'est de la fausse sagesse (je continue de me dire "oui mais mais mais les tuliiiiiiiiiipes!"), mais on prend ce qu'on a! :-)

    Bon weekend, chère pépiniériste!

    1. Merci Helene! C'est l'fun de te lire. Je n'ai pas autant de temps qu'avant depuis que je travaille à la pépinière mais j'essaie de répondre à mes abonnées. J'espère que la famille va bien et le travail aussi, c'est primordial.
      Je te souhaite du succès avec le reste de tes plantations et un bel été en perspective.

  3. Hello Louise
    That are great tulips, al of the pictures are very nice.
    Greetings Bets

  4. Hello Louise,
    You have taken some nice pictures of the tulips. Nice flowers. Beautiful photo's. I love the color of the orange one.
    Enjoy your weekend, Gonnie

    1. Thank you Gonnie for your nice and always welcome comments. Have a nice week.
      Warm greetings, Louise

  5. When I see tulips I think of glorious spring. I love the variety of colors you have. Stunning photographs of resplendent tulips, Louise! I just scrolled through theses images a second time to drink in all the beauty. Lovely post!

    1. Thank you Julie for the nice comments. I'm glad you like them!
      I have less time since I'm working long hours at a garden center but I try to respond to the comments that are left here. Difficult for me right now to visit all the blogs, but again, I try my best!
      Have a lovely week,

  6. HI Louise...Absolutely awesome Tulips, and I love the way you photographed them from beginning to end in these micro shots..the colors are wonderful!!
    Thanks for sharing them!!

    1. Thank you Grace, glad you liked them. Have a lovely week!

  7. Wow Louise, a piece of The Netherlands in Canada. At least, that's what everyone thinks. If I'm correct, the Tulip is originally a flower from Turkey.
    Great pictures, love them.


    1. Thank you René for your nice and original comments. I think you are right but it is in our head: tulips are associated with Netherlands for ever...
      Greetings, Louise

  8. Yes we have made ​​the tulip symbol of the Netherlands.
    And I love many of these flowers, I like the pretty colors
    and the forms I find beautiful.
    You have a very nice series of pictures of the tulips.
    And yes unfortunately they faded so quickly, but we
    can every day look at the pictures ....
    Greetings from Tulipland
    Natuurkieker Coby

    1. Thank you Coby. Yes, they don't last long but many flowers have the same conditions. We have to appreciate them when they are there, in bloom!
      Warm greetings, Louise

  9. What een colors zo nice .
    You have a nice series of pictures of the tulips..
    Grt Jeanne

    1. Thank you Jeanne and have a nice day!
      Grettings, Louise

  10. Bonsoir Louise,magnifiques tulipes,très belles couleurs et vos photos sont splendides comme d'habitude
    j'espère qu' à la pépinière tout se passe bien

    1. Merci Patricia. Oui tout se passe très bien à la pépinière; je me rends compte que j'en connais beaucoup mais j'en apprend encore tous les jours et j'adore mon travail!
      Bonne journée à vous,

  11. Hi Louise,
    Nice to see al those tullips. In the Netherlands, in April there are fields with lots of colors of different kind of tullips.
    Lovely colorful pictures.

    1. Thank you Ghita. I would love to see it live one day in your country, it must be beautiful!
      Greetings, Louise

  12. Hello Louise, Beautiful fresh colours and the tullips are so lovely. You should have seen them here in Holland. It's great to see. Beautifull Andrea

    1. Thanks Andrea! Yes, I would love to see this one day...
      Greetings, Louise

  13. Hi Louise,
    Beautiful pictures from those tullips, lovely collars!!


  14. So many lovely coulors of these beautiful flowers! Great series! /Susanne

  15. Hi Louise, I like'your joy about these tulips. Did you know that people had to eat them (not the flower but the tulip bulb) in the world wars because there was a great lack of normal food? My parents also eat them during wwII but according to my mum, tulips are much better as nice flowers than food!
    Nice to see that you enjoy them so much! Beautiful and colourful flowers and you made nice (detailed) pictures of them with a lot of 'springfeeling'(I don't think that's a normal word, but you'll surely understand) in it!

    Kind regards,

  16. Hi Marianne,

    Thank you for the nice comments. I didn't know about this; sad to see what the war made people do... It's a good thing they were not poison!
    I have less time to blog and to visit the blogs I love but yesterday I visited your's and will visit again because I mist many posts. I know your recent posts are in two parts and I want to read your explanations because it is always interesting to see your point of view!
    You will see my comments soon. Till then, have a nice Sunday night!
    Warm greetings, Louise
